1 | Make a scrapbook of everything you do this summer The Basics of Scrapbooking http://www.scrapbookscrapbook.com/beginners.html |
2 | Have a picnic Planning a Picnic http://www.the-picnic-site.com/ |
3 | Learn how to play soccer How to Play Soccer http://www.ehow.com/PrintArticle.html?id=2044097 |
4 | Visit another country Lonely Planet Destination Guides www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/ |
5 | Go to a ballgame Major League Baseball Team Schedules mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/schedule/index.jsp |
6 | Get a job (parent permission) Teens 4 Hire www.teens4hire.org/ |
7 | Become a photographer BetterPhoto for Kids and Teens www.betterphoto.com/photography-for-kids.asp |
8 | Make dinner for your family Do-It-Yourself Dinner Party Project (PDF) www.reynoldskitchens.com |
9 | Compare a book to a movie Compare and Contrast Essay (PDF) www.csudh.edu |
10 | Write a poem 30 Days of Poetry www.msrogers.com/English2/poetry/30_days_of_poetry.htm |
11 | Learn about fireworks How Stuff Works: Fireworks people.howstuffworks.com/fireworks.htm |
12 | Bake some cookies Science of Cookies www.bakingandbakingscience.com/cookies.htm |
13 | Take a boat ride Boat Safe Kids! www.boatsafe.com/kids/index.htm |
14 | Sketch a picture of your house from the outside Perspective Drawing www.artyfactory.com/perspective_drawing/perspective_1.htm |
15 | Go to camp Smart Start to Business http://www.youthpreneur.net/camps |
16 | Visit a farm 4-H Virtual Farms www.ext.vt.edu/resources/4h/virtualfarm/main.html |
17 | Take a walk and record the sounds Listening to Nature www.museumca.org/naturalsounds/ |
18 | Embrace Other Cultures Culture Quest http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/cquest/ |
19 | Keep a journal of what you do during the Summer Keepsake Diary http://kids-indoor-activities.suite101.com/article.cfm/keep_a_summer_journal |
20 | Cut up an old greeting card picture and make a puzzle (parent help) How to make your own jigsaw puzzle tn.essortment.com/howtomakeyour_rgzx.htm |
21 | Start a band Make Music! Start a Band www.mustcreate.org/kid_home/kids3_1.shtml |
22 | Learn how to make a movie Digital Movie Making for Kids http://www.adobe.com/education/digkids/intro_video/making_of_movie.html |
23 | Blow up balloons, put notes inside and hand them out to friends Message in a Balloon www.nmhct.nhs.uk/pharmacy/nmha-activities.html |
24 | Go backpacking The Beginning Backpacker www.backpacking.net/beginner.html |
25 | Learn how to oil paint Free Art Lessons http://www.interactiveartschool.com/free-art-lessons.html |
26 | Create a web site Lissa Explains HTML for Kids www.lissaexplains.com/ |
27 | Go camping Go Camping America Kids Pages www.gocampingamerica.com/kidspages/ |
28 | Learn how to use Microsoft Office Free Tutorials for Microsoft Office http://www.baycongroup.com/tutorials.htm |
29 | Help an elderly person with house or yard work (parent permission) 20 Great Reasons to Volunteer www.volunteermatch.org/volunteers/resources/tipstricks.jsp |
30 | Visit the zoo National Zoo Animal Web cams nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/default.cfm |
31 | Learn a foreign language Free Online Language Courses www.word2word.com/coursead.html |
32 | Make an obstacle course in your back yard How To Set Up An Obstacle Course www.ehow.com/how_3113_set-obstacle-course.html |
33 | Make a treasure hunt The Ultimate Treasure Hunt www.allthatstuff.net/treasurehunt.htm |
34 | View and learn about Modern Art Destination Modern Art http://www.moma.org/destination/ |
35 | Learn about the Animals that live on our planet A Library of the World’s Animals http://www.learnanimals.com/ |
36 | Recycle bottles and donate the money to a local charity The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide www.obviously.com/recycle/ |
37 | Explore the Universe A Learning Center for Young Astronomers http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html |
38 | Build a tree house The Tree House Guide www.thetreehouseguide.com/ |
39 | Create a new world World Building teenwriting.about.com/library/weekly/aa071602a.htm |
40 | Set up a lemonade stand Lemonade Stand Game www.coolmath-games.com/lemonade/ |
41 | Learn how to make ethnic food Ethnic Recipes http://www.bhg.com/recipes/food-slide-shows/ethnic-food/ |
42 | Attend a concert Buy tickets http://www.ticketmaster.com/section/concerts |
43 | Have family game nights What Game Should We Play? http://www.hasbro.com/familygamenight/en_US/ |
44 | Learn about science Latest Science News http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/ |
45 | Make a collage from magazine words and pictures Collage pbskids.org/zoom/activities/do/collage.html |
46 | Create a terrarium How to Make a Terrarium www.ehow.com/how_9374_make-terrarium.html |
47 | Learn how to help the environment Environmental Kids Club http://www.epa.gov/kids/index.htm |
48 | Discover new games to play Nature Games http://www.ultimatecampresource.com/site/camp-activities/nature-games.page-1.html |
49 | Go to a museum Find a museum in your area http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_museums_in_the_United_States |
50 | Make a fire plan Home Fire Safety www.usfa.fema.gov/kids/flash.shtm |
51 | Make up bubble solution and have a contest Casey Carle's "Secret" Bubble Solutions www.bubblemania.com/faq/solution.html |
52 | Find a pen-pal (parent permission) Pen Pal Directories www.stonesoup.com/main2/penpal.html |
53 | Plant something Gardens for Beginners www.geocities.com/mastergardener2k/ |
54 | Learn about Plants and our Environment ThinkQuest http://library.thinkquest.org/3715/ |
55 | Host a yard sale How to Plan a Yard Sale www.ehow.com/how_137461_yard-garage-sale.html |
56 | Build a sandcastle Sandcastle Tools www.sandcastlecentral.com/toolpages/ |
57 | Donate some of the toys and clothes you no longer use How To Donate Toys www.ehow.com/how_10124_donate-toys-children.html |
58 | Research your family tree Free Genealogy Information http://genealogy.about.com/cs/free_genealogy/a/free_sites.htm |
59 | Fly a kite Professor Kite and the Secret of Kites www.gombergkites.com/howgen.html |
60 | Invent your own board game Design Your Own Board Game la.essortment.com/boardgamedesig_rxcu.htm |
61 | Make your own comic book Comic Creator http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/comic/ |
62 | Create a book cover for your writing projects Book Cover Creator http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/bookcover/ |
63 | Act in a play So You Want to Put On a Play? www.writewords.org.uk/articles/theatre1.asp |
64 | Learn to Cook Introductory Cooking Lessons http://www.kids-cooking-activities.com/kids-cooking-lessons-cit-intro.html |
65 | Make a bird feeder Easy birdfeeders for young children http://www.care2.com/greenliving/make-easy-bird-feeders.html |
66 | Organize a bike safety clinic Bicycle Safety Command Center www.state.il.us/kids/isp/bikes/ |
67 | Spend time with your grandparents 10 Great Activities www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson136.shtml |
68 | Learn how the Internet works Learn the Net http://www.learnthenet.com/english/section/intbas.html |
69 | Dig for fossils Dinosaur Dig www.sdnhm.org/kids/fossils/ |
70 | Write a song Notes on Songwriting www.robinfrederick.com/write.html |
71 | Tie-dye some t-shirts How to Tie-Dye iaia.essortment.com/tiedyedyefa_rmel.htm |
72 | Make your own banana split Yum! http://parentingteens.about.com/cs/recipesforkids/ht/bananasplit.htm |
73 | Create a themed dinner Theme Dinner Ideas http://www.kids-cooking-activities.com/theme-dinner-ideas.html |
74 | Tour the World Google Earth Style http://earth.google.com/tour.html |
75 | Throw a pajama party Make it a success http://www.ehow.com/how_2047629_plan-pajama-party.html |
76 | Learn some new outdoor games Games Kids Play www.gameskidsplay.net/ |
77 | Make something from recyclables Crafts from Recycled Products www.makingfriends.com/recycle.htm |
78 | See a movie with a friend In the theatre or on DVD http://www.movies.com/ |
79 | Make homemade ice cream Kitchen Theater Science in a Scoop www.carnegiemuseums.org/cmag/bk_issue/1996/julaug/dept4.htm |
80 | Build a time capsule For the entire family http://www.ehow.com/how_6637_make-family-time.html |
81 | Get a magazine subscription (parent permission) Magazine Listing www.magsonthenet.com/chilmag.html |
82 | Organize a scavenger hunt Outdoor Scavenger Hunts www.lovetheoutdoors.com/camping/kids/scavengerhunt.htm |
83 | Go swimming Video Clips of the Swimming Strokes wellness.lattc.cc.ca.us/real/strokes.html |
84 | Paint a portrait of your best friend Draw Your Friend www.arts.ufl.edu/art/rt_room/sparkers/friend_portrait/ portrait_friend.html |
85 | Start a collection How to Start a Collection www.ehow.com/how_10563_start-collection.html |
86 | Write a fairy tale Fractured Fairy Tales http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/fairytales/ |
87 | Travel in time Odyssey Online carlos.emory.edu/ODYSSEY/MidElem_Home.html |
88 | Stargaze and track the moon phases Moon information http://www.moonconnection.com/ |
89 | Learn how to sew Learn to Sew http://cyberseams.com/ |
90 | Visit a National Park National Park Service Guide www.nps.gov/parks.html |
91 | Rent a video of a ballet Easy to Read Profiles of the Histories of Ballets classicalmusic.about.com/od/historyofballet/ |
92 | Roast marshmallows How to Roast a Marshmallow www.ehow.com/how_1164_roast-marshmallow.html |
93 | Watch the birds Tips on Getting Started with Bird Watching www.birdwatching.com/tips/kids_birding.html |
94 | Arrange a bouquet of flowers Learn how to make a beautiful display http://interiordec.about.com/library/weekly/aa021403b2.htm |
95 | Learn to blog (parents’ permission) How-to http://learn2blog.pitas.com/ |
96 | Re-decorate your room Decorating Gallery http://www.hgtv.com/topics/bedrooms/index.html |
97 | Learn to play chess Chess is Fun http://www.soyouwanna.com/site/syws/chess/chess.html |
98 | Adopt a pet (parent permission) http://www.petfinder.com/ |
99 | Keep your brain going Brain Teasers www.brainconnection.com/teasers/ |
100 | Teach someone to use email How eMail Works www.learnthenet.com/english/html/20how.htm |
101 | Create your own holiday A Month With No Holidays? Make Up Your Own! .educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson018.shtml |