Sequential Spelling Sample
Follow these directions carefully:
- Ask your class to spell: beginning. Let's start at the beginning. beginning.
Tell your students that all they have to do is put down some of the letters they think might be in the word beginning. Collect the papers. You will want to compare any misspellings with the spellings you will get on the 5th and 6th days. - Give the following tests on separate but consecutive class days. You say the word. Use it in a sentence. Give the word again. Every student must at least attempt to spell the word.
- After each student has tried and before going to the next word, give the correct spelling. Let each student correct his own paper.
1st day
1. in 2. pin 3. sin 4. spin | 2nd day
1. in 2. pins 3. sins 4. spins 5. kin 6. skin 7. win 8. twin
| 3rd day
1. thin 2. pinned 3. sinned 4. an inn 5. shin 6. skins 7. wins 8. twins 9. be 10. begin 11. chin
| 4th day
1. thins 2. pinning 3. sinning 4. spinning 5. shins 6. skinned 7. winning 8. inner 9. be 10. begins 11. chins |
5th day
1. thinned 2. thinner 3. sinner 4. spinner 5. fins 6. Mr.Skinner 7. winner 8. be 9. inning 10. beginning 11. chinned | 6th day
1. thinning 2. thinnest 3. sinners 4. spinners 5. tin 6. Mr. Skinner's 7. winners 8. bee 9. innings 10. beginnings 11. chinning | 7th day
1. thin 2. in 3. inn 4. spin 5. tins 6. skin 7. winning 8. bee 9. inner 10. beginner 11. shin
| 8th day
1. thinner 2. ins 3. inns 4. spinning 5. tin 6. skins 7. winner 8. be 9. being 10. beginners 11. shins |
Nearly every student, no matter what grade or how badly learning disabled, will learn to read, write, and spell the word beginning. Note: Even the very gifted students can increase their vocabulary because this program uses many words to teach a few simple patterns.
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