Thursday, April 9, 2009

Share Your Favorite AVKO Articles, Resources, and Videos with Your Friends

In a previous post (entitled "A Beginner's Guide to Social Networking for Homeschoolers"), we talked about the utility of social networking sites and how to be an intelligent consumer and aggregator of the information that's out there in cyberspace. Today, I want to share with you an easy way to get started on sharing content with your own social networks with a simple, new feature that we have added to the AVKO website.

So, you're on Facebook, Myspace, Delicious, Twitter, HomeschoolBlogger, Blogger, or any of the other social networking sites. What are you going to talk about? Firstly, you'll want to talk about yourself -- what's been happening in your life, family news, photos of recent trips, and anything else you feel comfortable sharing. Next, you'll want to keep people reading by talking about things that others are interested in too. As someone who's interested in education, homeschooling, literacy, the language arts, and/or dyslexia, this is a great place to start. Share what you've been reading -- hard-copy books, internet articles, newspaper headlines, etc. People love to hear about current trends, controversy, and the latest gossip. Share what you've seen in your corner of the world. Did you read an interesting post on someone else's blog? Post a link to it! Did you read an interesting op-ed on The Huffington Post? Post a link to it!

AVKO has made it that much easier for you to print, e-mail, and/or share AVKO webpages with your social networks. So now, when you find an article that you think is a must-read for someone you know or all of your Facebook friends, you can share that page with a click of the mouse. On any webpage, hover your mouse over the "Share or e-mail" button and you have the choice to print, e-mail, or share that link with anyone you want! It's that simple.

A few must-see pages your friends will want to know about:

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