Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dyslexic - Autism Testimonials

Dyslexic - Autism Testimonials

Sequential Spelling has increased my daughter's confidence in spelling a great deal. I like its repetition and low-pressure approach. It's the first program for dyslexics that she hasn't resisted. I think that's because she doesn't find it demeaning (babyish.)

My daughters (7 and 9) are doing well with S.S. One of them is dyslexic. One a naturally gifted speller....both working the same levels together. They like the simplicity of the program....no goofy pictures or distractions. They also like the encouraging words at the bottom of the workbooks. I like the patterning and the number of words for each lesson. I would like to see a few of the spelling rules included in the text....I know "change the Y to an I and add ED, ER, etc...but I didn't learn the rules as a kid, and therefore, find teaching spelling a bit more difficult.

My son is dyslexic (not officially diagnosed, but it’s obvious). He failed and was frustrated and accomplished nothing with at least 4 other spelling programs. He LOVES Sequential Spelling. He feels accomplished; he feels mastery. He does not spend hours writing (which is difficult for him). It is not wasted time. He does the work, he completes it within the timeframe of his attention span and he feels a sense of control and mastery when finished.

I learned of your spelling curriculum at a homeschool book fair in Arlington, Texas from a vendor located outside of Houston. After pouring over your website, I ordered the first level of spelling for my 15 year old son who has a diagnosis of high functioning autism. This is so exciting. With eleven years of homeschooling, six children and a special ed. degree this is the greatest approach to spelling I have ever seen for anyone, not just those with learning differences. I will pass your website on to our local school's special ed. director. Your hard work and dedication is evident. We will be start the spelling as soon as it arrives. I am expecting great gains in spelling and reading this summer.

Sandra D.



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