Friday, May 20, 2011

Patterns of English Spelling

The Patterns of English Spelling & New Word Families in Sentence Context,

1600 pages in 10 volumes. McCabe was not content with just the word families that fit cleanly into rimes, he also explains spelling oddities of w- and r- controlled clans, basic suffixes, -y families and their relatives, advanced suffixes, advanced patterns of /k/ spelled -qu, -ch, and /sh/ spelled -ch and other miscellaneous relatives, and even Greek and Latin prefixes, roots and suffixes. It contains EVERY word family in the English language and is a universal resource for the entire list of spelling and reading books AVKO produces.

HOW TO USE: (alphabetic index pgs 23-93) 101A are Word Family & Power Words, 101B are Sentences

1. Find and review the ENTIRE word family you are studying. Sequential Spelling 1-7 has a selected grouping of the word family, NOT every word; therefore this book allows you and students to review all word family words, not as spelling words, but as vocabulary.
2. Power Words - listed on the same page, these are to be used for developing multisyllabic pronunciation and comprehension.
Great Vocabulary Game: Go over the words and their meaning in the dictionary. Students write the word on one side of paper; on the other they draw the meaning of the word. Be sure the drawing expresses some feeling of the word meaning. Hang up drawings around schooling area. When you have five or more pix start a weekly game where you either show them the word and they have to tell the meaning of the word by describing the picture OR they look at picture and tell what word it represents.
3. On the opposite (B) page, you will find sentences using the word family words in context. Divide into four sections. Use the sentences for dictation, typing, handwriting and reading comprehension practice. Each of these functions is an important sensory learning tool and beneficial for mastery of higher education.

For additional practice go to Spelling, (free website) the student types in their current spelling words (works best with base words) and choose from 10 word games using those words plus TWO new writing features.

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